Monday, February 23, 2015

Been to long...

Well we are about to hit two (2) years in an R.V.! Who would have thought it?! We have made modifications so living is easier. For instance we took out the couch and replaced it with bunk beds (custom made). We re-did the flooring (about to do it again, first time was linoleum. This time will be laminate hardwood). We are talking about painting the inside. We replaced all the knobs with nice satin nickel ones. Replacing all the hardware too, including the hinges very soon!!! NO MORE BRASS! The lights were replaced in our bedroom with satin nickel lights. Soon we will have a new dinette set installed. We are making it ours, about time it has been ours for over a year now.

Ahhh the thoughts of upgrading to a bigger rig. Yes we have dreamed, and dreamed and thought about. We decided truck first, the house is still livable, we just want a smidgen more space. If you were to ask the boys, they want to be moving around not stationary. =-)

Things are going well all in all. Really need to figure out the whole skirting thing during the cold months though, just to block the cold air coming up from under the R.V. Talk about BURRRR.

New lighting:

New knobs:

New flooring (replacing though):

Until later...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Wow...we hit our two (2) years being nomadic. Our Nomadiversary!

Who would have thought it! We have been a nomadic family or 4 plus 3 fur-babies for two (2) years now. I don't ever see us looking back. Even our kids plan on it in the future. I think it is great. We have made things easier, made the R.V. more livable (2 months of living in a tent...gave us lots of perspective!), and they aren't big things just little things that make it easier on us. This is our lifestyle so we have to adapt and change to it.

I dared to dream the other day of a bigger R.V. but right now I want a truck to be able to pull said bigger R.V. (hubby secretly wishes for a motorhome). I am just thinking either a bigger TT or a 5ver with bunk beds, two (2) would be ok, but want four (4) really. It would be easier on all of us and give a bit more space. Yes I would totally remodel the bottom bunk into a bunk/desk/play area for the kids. =-) Living in an R.V. for 22 months has given me that knowledge.

Until later...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Not always a bowl of cherries

I would love to say that life is always a bowl of cherries but it isn't. Nor is everyone you meet going to want to be your friend. Lessons my children need to learn, they know it but need to understand it is a two way street.

I love the freedom that this life gives us! Is it hard? Yes, but so worth it! We don't have the material things we use to have and honestly we are doing just fine without them. You make due, you figure out new ways to do things.

As always you do your best!

Until later...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

1 year nomadiversary

It has been a year since we moved and made a lifestyle change. We still have things we want to do and need to do, but all in all things are going well for us.

The boys have adjusted nicely. Life is going our way, and we have a bright future. It has been five months since we got our own R.V. We are slowly making changes. Will be paid off in a year, which is very exciting.

I do wish we had our own land, but living here is quiet and peaceful.

Until later...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saying good bye and hello!

Saying good-bye to 2013 and hello to 2014...

You know the other day I was asked by a friend "What are your new year resolutions?" I replied in kind... "I have none!" At the time it was the truth. Now upon the eve of the new year, I have no regrets really, at least none I can think of (OK maybe save a little better, not do as much work, spend more time with sugar, but really those aren't regrets just different paths I took in life)! I am excited for the New Year because of what I hope it brings, not so much because it means saying good bye to last year. I thought about what my resolutions are... to live fuller, not do as much work and spend more time playing with sugar! Of course spending more time with family but that is a given with our chosen lifestyle.

I dedicate this post to you my love, may 2014 bring us more happiness, more peace and more sanity! I got the card you left me this was cute. I didn't expect it. Actually I expected it when I saw it to be a late Christmas card. LOL I was surprised! Inside it you wrote, "Another one down and we are still HERE together <3"! Awwww! What you might not understand is he is no Mr. Hallmark (he calls me Mrs. Hallmark), nor is he so good at cards, and the like. So that was a very special card (I loved cards, my daddy use to give/send me a card every holiday. I still have those cards.)!

This time last year we were prepping for the move. We had no clue what was to become of us, only that we had each other, our kids (both skin and fur). We made that blind leap of faith, together as always! Who knew?! We thought we had a contact with a Realtor, lined up some job contacts, etc. We knew the location, the reason why we were doing this just not the how yet. We had our tech business to help get us by, some savings and help from family. The trip took us a lot longer than expected, my sudden fear of driving at night, (OK not so sudden as it was raining, a winding road descending off a cliff, dark and scary drive that caused white knuckling and panic on my part) that caused it to be as it was. That being said upon arrival of our destination, things changed. I changed. We changed. Our family changed.

Who knew such change would ultimately bring about such happiness. We decided to live our nomadic dream! What did we have to lose? We tented for 2 months and finally moved into an RV (after the about to be purchase of ours went horribly wrong...still gives our oldest nightmares), then eventually almost 8 months later our own RV (tomorrow marks 11 months living nomadically). Never did I think we would do it! We did, and I still haven't complained about the 2 months in a tent, my only complaint now is storage space!!

We have come a long way, we grew (growing is sometimes painful), we laughed, we cried, and we still are steadfast living our dreams rather than chasing them! I can't wait to see what 2014 holds for us!! I do know one thing, it will be with you, our kids (both skin and fur) and that is really all I need.

Until Later...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

What happens when you don't take care of it!?

Doesn't matter if you are living nomadically or not you still have to take care of yourself. The boys wanted to attempt it on their own. As promised, I said I would post what happens when you want to grow your hair long but don't take care of it! Momma happens!!!

From fluffy to fabulous!

Until later...

Saturday, October 19, 2013


We needed something FUN to do! Not that we aren't having fun, but something special to say "! Yeah you! Great job!". So we took the boys (I booked in advance) to the Lego Club, the theme?! Star Wars!!! Imagine our surprise when we show up and there are people dressed up!!!! Way to show off Austin...Bellevue take notice! OH and my kids were still wanting to grow long hair but NOT brush it...see what happens later. Momma said take care of it or it goes!

Until later...